We all know how to keep our computers safe now, right? Install antivirus software and let that take care of you. Sit back, browse and download to your heart's content and watch the little digital warrior in the bottom right of your screen shoot down invaders with robotic precision. But what happens when you forget to update and something sneaks through? Or, perish the thought, you forgot to install the software in the first place? Now you're in a predicament. Surprisingly, not many people know how to cleanse their own computer after a successful virus or malware infection. ...

The Benefits of Antivirus Software
General /
Sep 13th, 2018
Protect yourself from attack, and make sure your anti-virus software protects you from these dangers. While giving us the option to connect to the entire world, and learn anything at the drop of a hat, the internet can also be a place that leaves you vulnerable to malware, identity-stealing scams and more. How can you protect yourself from these dangers? Anti-virus protection is a real way to protect yourself from the dangers of surfing online. Here we’ve collated some of the most important benefits of installing good anti-virus software. Protection from Viruses The clue is in the...