Benefits of disposable temporary phone numbers
General /
Mar 3rd, 2020
Temporary disposable phone numbers for SMS are a cost-effective and secure way to protect yourself online. They are set up for a limited time (often just a month or two) allowing you to complete any verification required by the service provider. Once this is done, the number is eliminated, meaning no follow-up correspondence by SMS either from the provider or a third-party.
Here are some of the significant benefits to had from temporary disposable phone numbers for SMS.
In today’s digital world, protecting your identity is one of the most pressing concerns affecting the public...
A simple 4 step guide to teen safety on social media
General /
Mar 4th, 2019
Nowadays, social media accounts are the norm for people of all ages, especially among teens where almost everyone seems to have multiple accounts, just like their friends. And though social media offers plenty of benefits, it does have some safety risks. So, whether you're a concerned parent or a responsible teen yourself, here are four steps that can be taken to improve teen safety on social media. 1. Review content before posting Before posting anything on social media, think carefully about whether or not it reveals too much private information about yourself. Posting things like personal contact information or...