Emails promising you all manner of riches in exchange for your bank details are the bane of every internet user's existence. But there are ways you can protect yourself from scam emails and avoid having to worry about con-artists emptying your bank account. 1) Don't be so quick to follow email links Many of these scammers try and entrap you by sending a link to your email which, if you click on it, could end up allowing the scammer to access your computer, locking it and preventing you from using it. 2) Look at the language used...

Why 1Password is a great choice as a Password Manager
Cybercrime is on the rise and one of the main reasons for this is that users are not thinking about security enough. Usernames are fairly easy to discover, with most being related to names/email addresses which can be found with just a simple Google search. So, when combined with a commonly used password, hackers will gain access to private, ‘secure’, files easily. In 2019, the most commonly used password was 123456. This was used by 23.2 million people who had their accounts hacked. The next most popular password was 123456789, which was used by more than 7.7 million hacked...

The Benefits of Antivirus Software
Protect yourself from attack, and make sure your anti-virus software protects you from these dangers. While giving us the option to connect to the entire world, and learn anything at the drop of a hat, the internet can also be a place that leaves you vulnerable to malware, identity-stealing scams and more. How can you protect yourself from these dangers? Anti-virus protection is a real way to protect yourself from the dangers of surfing online. Here we’ve collated some of the most important benefits of installing good anti-virus software. Protection from Viruses The clue is in the...