Please find below bitcoin wallet addresses being used by scammers. This list will be updated anytime I get new ones. 12345678aUr3n9grGy2vt8rxb3sSSBsuBJ ltc1q02sw2nvtt22nmn78eqg9xyer9aumwfzhx4uwa4 14ohNinzWU7jzyMcbjcZkJoNYHKdaYKMpW 1BaobaRFd1NfNQ2GSHXBFvc1hjffhaVr2V 1GtGZpzfRkAVBL48F68mi8bTcatwpTZGm8 1CHVFbjh2KjUa6HhZEMcZK8sYHsA61L9y1 1JUPtgv3aY9EHNvwoAdFrt9ZCcgiUW48im 17aB5wwDJ6EGdzzMgp3Y5deKCrqe7ga3qR 1FADcN5uSxtzV4E3zGCfQ4f3XzgxEPzT3M 1Pd7qACCUtM1zVXixbyxuJCXmDi4D1qMjn 1C2g3BixavU7Vupm1Atka6qErPZkhS18TY 1A28fiWUfQnqEMqoDmMf7KZcjSDY7mEjfs 1Abx3eY5pHFE1aC4AJLdU91qhHS5rzqP4E 19TkRECkDFuXq6E9zS7TxueE2RmZndJR8U 12mwSFYDyCWta8uMNxq52mENdi3nkjQGa5 1AMt6qukzLnSoT2eTv5Z9c2G24nQqNLUry 1PzZ3jX1zrGov2qyrMB8x3fKCrfxvTU2Tx 1JEvR3g6o6AbBZLWm9bvdVyeWk3yC8Rs8w 1DYfqwqz7Tq93Fau61YFXBAoogQv56FvJz 1AmP3aXEb7tv5M8gRGQfbAADBMmBPFhJNj 1LbbzFmNMMFMwsketCSzxAur6yinXBSiQQ 185kB82fakN7BCDpcS9tfzbDc8uytm5Wo 19gjxoZ2x8xzNC18FYtLxCL3FWRi15cP39 16RrKqp6gvepFSBMTcoVzdJZ1NSbA7PjZA 1BqMb5HKDj5xaTR65Psx1pfaDfzqWKPE65 1Mweet8rkufPJfge3fekvQLActb4wW5kNc 1EV3qSyz4XKoZAWvB1eVSYqHyqCNRdv9i7 15PjLxvFvVuUASkWLTReBDf1SAnGboiE3Q 17uRSEYKbco6kMrEc5aVCsCPAsFTVRPtsd 1MvogqA76t4o8Cya83SbPCGn52VRJsbiUV 17ychKgip2JpHf8uh5AJ6r5rXkmjSnQWaZ 15J3ZhZ6q6n2146Gdk5ncjqWaN84rNtvMd 1EfCwNrGgGbNAn4bKUX7XydSzFu4RHheC4 19U1xBf2UZeLfPkVh1Gu3WGHheYCzjsVxs 1GmtfRMFdctbJmhNZMgNNEeB7x1L8oKido 1MXEc4DhfxiTQgqcbajePjrEdtv6Ut46UT 1L1VmEatFZZSdU2DYD3JnS9RtpzXdPGmLZ 1HTAhiza95JocaB3ZtXrv5qmGPkjpBECNa 1N1AvndRxpo3dfKwaMTDmiy1Uaers6hZJk 1P28gw81epAv9RfjhaJikNjukboCrj8Lvn 1Fgiv3CQ15pkaMG4BzNzNiZGjy5NxaiLt5 Scam Advice If you receive an email resembling the examples provided below, we strongly advise reporting such instances to the Government's National Cyber Security Centre. Please forward the suspicious email to [email protected]. In the event that you suspect being a victim of fraud, we encourage you to submit a formal report either online or via telephone to Action Fraud. If the phishing attempt includes your password, it may be from past data breaches. If the email contains your actual password, change it immediately and consider enabling (2FA) Two-Factor Authentication. Check for potential compromises and receive future notifications at: If you're receiving what you believe to be scam texts, you can forward the text to 7726 along with the originating number from which you received the message. This information will be shared with all mobile operators who will block the number. If you receive a cold call from someone claiming to be from your bank, hang up immediately and call 159. This will connect you with your bank's fraud protection department. For more information on the 159 service, visit

Redkey USB: Military Grade Security For PCs Desktops & Laptops; Data Gone Forever
What is Redkey USB? Redkey USB is the ultimate tool for erasing hard drives. It’s an easy-to-use, affordable solution that will help protect your privacy and ensure that no one can access your personal information. You don’t have to worry about anyone getting their hands on sensitive documents or pictures ever again! Key Selling Points One-time Purchase No Subscriptions No ongoing costs Certified (Scientifically proven) Unlimited use - Does not expire Redkey USB Specifications Easy to use Automatic Mode 25 Defense Wipe Standards View Reports & Check Results Unlimited Use & Online Updates (Does not expire) Technical...
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Everysize: Ensuring your website is responsive
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hCaptcha - Stop more bots and start getting paid
While reCAPTCHA has been a staple for online businesses and services for what feels like decades, what once worked isn’t always the best approach for modern companies when it comes to maintaining privacy and security for users. hCaptcha is part of the new, user-friendly and practical generation of bot-blocking tools, building upon the Captcha legacy to create something thoroughly modern. Want to know more about what hCaptcha is, how it works, and how it measures up? Read on to find out more: What is hCaptcha? hCaptcha is, as the name suggests, a fully-fledged Captcha tool...

Adult Website Email Scam: Don’t Give Bitcoin to Fraudsters
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Using your neighbours Wifi: is it a good idea?
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A simple 4 step guide to teen safety on social media
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Sleep or Shut Down?
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