What is Redkey USB? Redkey USB is the ultimate tool for erasing hard drives. It’s an easy-to-use, affordable solution that will help protect your privacy and ensure that no one can access your personal information. You don’t have to worry about anyone getting their hands on sensitive documents or pictures ever again! Key Selling Points One-time Purchase No Subscriptions No ongoing costs Certified (Scientifically proven) Unlimited use - Does not expire Redkey USB Specifications Easy to use Automatic Mode 25 Defense Wipe Standards View Reports & Check Results Unlimited Use & Online Updates (Does not expire) Technical...

hCaptcha - Stop more bots and start getting paid
While reCAPTCHA has been a staple for online businesses and services for what feels like decades, what once worked isn’t always the best approach for modern companies when it comes to maintaining privacy and security for users. hCaptcha is part of the new, user-friendly and practical generation of bot-blocking tools, building upon the Captcha legacy to create something thoroughly modern. Want to know more about what hCaptcha is, how it works, and how it measures up? Read on to find out more: What is hCaptcha? hCaptcha is, as the name suggests, a fully-fledged Captcha tool...

Do you use public/shared phone chargers? You shouldn't, here's why
Many people quickly plug their USB cables in public charging ports to charge their phones when they run out of power while travelling or at work. They fail to consider the data privacy risks involved. Hackers can install technology, chips, and software that they use to infringe a person’s privacy. They can install malware that copies your data to their devices and sites. Charging ports are common in train stations, airports, bus stations, and schools, they help people to power their phones for continuous communication and access to the Internet. You need to take measures to prevent hackers from accessing...
The pros and cons of the Internet of Things
The exact definition of the Internet of Things has consistently been evolving and up for debate. However, broadly speaking, it refers to the way a number of normal everyday devices are able to connect to one another as a part of a network and transmit data via the internet. What are the pros and cons of this increased level of connectivity? Pros First, let's discuss some of the most common benefits of the Internet of Things. Convenience - The Internet of things has made the transmission of data instantaneous and efficient, across domestic and commercial applications. This applies to...
A simple 4 step guide to teen safety on social media
Nowadays, social media accounts are the norm for people of all ages, especially among teens where almost everyone seems to have multiple accounts, just like their friends. And though social media offers plenty of benefits, it does have some safety risks. So, whether you're a concerned parent or a responsible teen yourself, here are four steps that can be taken to improve teen safety on social media. 1. Review content before posting Before posting anything on social media, think carefully about whether or not it reveals too much private information about yourself. Posting things like personal contact information or...